Our time is now.

We know the facts. We know what we need to do. Now is the time to actually act. Let us help you jumpstart your business, school, home, lifestyle, and even your travels to meet the standards that will ensure our future.

  • Lead with in-depth knowledge and understanding

  • Make better, smarter choices

  • Be empowered and feel powerful

  • Simple solutions for your business to be responsible to Earth with an integrated implementation plan that emphasises a strong community-based company culture, the sharing of information and the art of slowing down.

  • Maya Angelou once said “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

    Everything starts with education. And it is always better to start them young. Learn better now.

  • Eat better and buy better for a toxic-free, low waste lifestyle. Shortcut the failed attempts and experiments with “sustainability hacks”. Invest in the right products to upgrade your home and lifestyle.


projects and ventures.

“It takes inspiration and activity to the point of insanity to create something truly worthwhile for everyone.”

— Sadhguru